That is, the prolongation of it leaves invariant the hypersurface given by . Then it transforms solutions into solutions.
The infinitesimal generator of the group, which does satisfy mod , can be transformed into with a coordinate change
such that . In this coordinates the PDE is
but since doesn't depend on we can assume , so we obtain the ODE
This change of variables is called similarity variables, and the solutions of the original PDE obtained are called similarity solutions. See @Stephani page 172.
Keep an eye: A problem arises if the variable needs to be the dependent variable. See @Stephani page 172. I think that what is happening here is that you have to distinguish the cases where the flow of the symmetry lies inside solutions or transform one solution into a different one. I think that this is explained in @blumanlibro page 303, where they call them invariant solutions. Even more, I think that invariant solutions have to do with characteristic lines (see transport equation).