Stern-Gerlach experiment


bla bla bla


Coming from probability theory#Text 2.
Consider first a classical set up, and the we will jump to the quantum behavior. Nevertheless, the classical behavior would be valid, even in QM, for observables that are "totally independent" (own terminology), for example, x position and y position. I think the technical name is commuting observables.

Suppose that after measuring an electron with the first device we obtain r. Then we use the second one and obtain b. In a classical setup we would expect that if we use device 1 again, we obtain r again, but this is not what happens with Stern-Gerlach devices. We obtain r and g with certain frequencies (although fixed).

The logical explanation (at least from the point of view of QM) is to accept that electron is in a certain state ΨH1 before the use of any machine (see quantum superposition). Until now, we have assumed that the vector in the Hilbert space encodes probabilities. But now we are saying that the electron is the vector (or, at least, a part of the electron). Every time we use a machine, the vector Ψ moves to a new location. For example: we use machine 1 and get r or 07 (with certain probability), so the state vector has traveled to r. If we use machine 1 again we obtain the same result: probability of obtain r again is the length of the projection of r on r, that is, 1!! If we use machine 2, depending on the value obtained, the state vector travels to b or s but they are still inside H1.

That is, we have machines (or one machine with different positions) that extract information of the system. The system is codified in a Hilbert space and the machines in operators. Every operator has privileged states with good behavior respect to it (a "classic behavior" respect to it, we can say). That is the reason why we cannot consider any operator, but the corresponding to Hermitian matrices.
If the system is in a "classical state" for the operator, the operator will only change the scale of the state vector, and the measurement arises when we check the length of the transformed vector


If the system is in a "non-classical" state for this machine, it goes to the "most similar" classical state for the machine (not for sure, but with a probability that depends on the similitude), and then the above is applied.

Can we find the expression of the privileged states of a machine with respect of the ones of the other? That is, who are b and s (canonical base for machine 2) in the canonical base of H1?

Suppose the machines are SGz and SGx in the Stern-Gerlach experiments. According to the measured probabilities in Stern-Gerlach experiment we could assign the coefficients:


The choice of the coefficients is arbitrary but subject to the measured probabilities.
Observe that, so far, we have no need of complex numbers.
Of course, the operator SGz has the matrix expression in "its associated basis" is (we are assuming now that the outputs are 1 and -1 instead of 0'7 and 1'8):


What is the matrix expression for the SGx machine in this basis? Since SGxb=b and SGxs=s, solving a very easy linear system we find that


But we can think like if we have an infinite number of machines SGθ. They are all the same that our original SGz but rotated an angle θ from the z axis towards the x axis. For the moment, we will be pretending that the universe is of dimension 2. With each of these machines we get two results, say M and B, and empirically obtain that, once our system is in state M, SGz yields an expected value of cos(θ), what is reasonable even from the classical point of view. If we write M=αr+βg and B=γr+δg, since


(expected value) and M is normalized, i.e.,


we obtain


In a similar way, since the expected value for B is cos(θ) and M and B must be orthogonal we can conclude


Solving a linear system we find the matrix for SGθ:


So, in conclusion, we can assume that when we rotate the SGz machine an angle θ the well-behaved states are now


that is, the privileged vectors are rotated an angle of θ/2. Or we can interpret that if we rotate the system (our electron gun in state r=(10)) an angle of θ, we are putting the electron in a state


And the operator goes from




This let us predict probabilities in the Stern-Gerlach experiment: what would be the probability of obtain such result if we turn the machine such angle? It is a numerical model for this family of Stern-Gerlach experiments.

But we can think in it like a geometric model, too. The different directions of space (plane, in this case) are codified in the matrices SGθ: SGz would represent the unit vector along z axis, and SGθ is the result of a rotation of angle θ. And we are led to think that spin is an "internal object" inside the electron with a special kind of symmetry without counterpart in classical-macroscopic terms.
(see section \textit{About spin})
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So, what about our electron? After performing a rotation of angle θ the privileged states of the Hilbert space have rotated θ/2 so we come back to the initial configuration after a 4π rotation. So we can say that electron has spin 1/2. It is a bit difficult to visualize but you can imagine an arrow with a flag attached in such a way that the flag turns half the angle of the arrow.

On the other hand, observe that the matrices


behaves like a orthogonal vector basis of R2. In fact


among other similarities. But the matrices product gives them an additional intrinsic algebra structure which the vector space R2 lacks. What does it mean, geometrically?

There is a correspondence between the subalgebra generated by the matrices {SGz,SGx} and the abstract Clifford algebra of dimension 2 and positive signature with orthonormal basis {e1,e2}. Since we know that in the Clifford algebra the even subalgebra acts over R2 like rotations (on the "sandwich way") we are led to think that internal states of the electron are elements of G2+, that is, spinors. That is, the element


is identified with the pair of elements of the Hilbert space


One observation: the even subalgebra behaves like complex numbers. So the complex numbers have already entered the scene.

The 3-dimensional space

But the Universe is not planar, is 3D. What happens when we rotate the machine out of the xz-plane? Experiments show that the pure y orientation of the machine (SGy) yields a pair of states, call it head and tail, h and t, with probabilities similar to those of the SGx (b and s) when throwed through SGz. But keep an eye: further experiments show that those are not the privileged states of SGx. This cannot be, definitively, modelled if we stay with real numbers (see page Why complex numbers in QM).
We can solve this problem by using complex coefficients, and in this way we arrive to the picture of the internal states as elements of SU(2). Indeed, the measured probabilities together with the restrictions of orthonormality of h and t lead us to


If we now measure probabilities respect to SGx (i.e., probabilities of b and s output when we feed the machine with h or t states) we can find that α=π/2. That is,


And with some computations we get


The matrices SGx,SGy,SGz are called Pauli matrices.

In conclusion, we have a machine, SG, that can be oriented in any spatial direction, n^ (unitary vector). When we fix this direction we get a matrix, SGn^, that encodes all the data of the machine (final states, obtained values and probabilities) with this direction. This matrix has two eigenvectors of C2, |n+ and |n, that represent the state of the electron after passing through the machine. Or we can think that the device SG is fixed, and we turn the electron gun to a new spatial orientation n^. Internally for the electron this has an effect: if it was at state


it is arriving to a new state


that can be computed like this:


where {Gx,Gy,Gz} are 3×3 matrices forming a basis of so(3). To find the corresponding element of SU(2) we use the isomorphism (as Lie algebras) of so(3) with su(2), and then the exponential map over SU(2). And the miracle is that the images of Gx,Gy,Gz are


although this matrices (without the i) appeared like operators to encode data of an observable, not like transformations!!!

Some considerations to further thoughts: