From here.
The simplest compact Lie group is the circle . Part of the reason it is so simple to understand is that Euler’s formula gives an extremely nice parameterization of its elements, showing that it can be understood either in terms of the group of elements of norm 1 in (that is, the unitary group ) or the imaginary subspace of .
In the case of we have a total analogy, with replaced by the quaternions . First, . And is isomorphic to the group of elements of norm 1 in , and there is an exponential map from the imaginary subspace of to this group.
Composing with the double cover lets us handle elements of almost as easily as we handle elements of .
with . They are unitary ().
These matrices can be decomposed as
where are the Pauli matrices. Since satisfy the same relation that the basis quaternions, the group is in correspondence with unitary quaternions. The whole set of quaternions is not , but the set of matrices satisfying , i.e., a multiple of identity, and . From here.
There is exactly 1 irreducible representation of in for every . See this video. SU(2)
According to @baez1994gauge page 174, physicists call to the representation of of dimension the spin- representation, with .
To reconcile this with the mathematician language: is the spin group corresponding to . The representations of of odd dimension () descend to a representation of (said in @baez1994gauge page 180) so they are not spin representations. But in the case of even dimension (), it doesn't descend, so it is indeed a proper spin representation.