Symmetric and antisymmetric parts

Given a tensor Tijk (with three indices as an example), the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the tensor with respect to a pair of indices (let's say i and j) can be defined as follows:

Symmetric Part:

The symmetric part of the tensor Tijk with respect to the indices i and j is defined as:


Antisymmetric Part:

The antisymmetric part of the tensor Tijk with respect to the indices i and j is defined as:


Generalization to More Indices:

If the tensor has more indices, you can symmetrize or antisymmetrize it with respect to any pair (or set) of indices. For example, if Tijkl is a fourth-rank tensor, you can find the symmetric and antisymmetric parts with respect to the indices i and j as:

T(ij)kl=12(Tijkl+Tjikl) T[ij]kl=12(TijklTjikl)