System of linear first order homogeneous PDEs
A system of first order linear homogeneous PDEs can be written in the general matrix form as
Related: quasi-linear homogeneous first-order PDEs system.
Related: system of linear first order inhomogeneous PDEs.
It is a system of DEs of the form
The simpler case when
We are going to show that when
blablabla... to be continued.... Jonasson_2007 page 20.
Dependence on parameters
I think that from here it can be shown that if the coefficients of the system depends smoothly on parameters, the solution must depends smoothly on these parameters. Because we can convert the system to a system of ODEs, and there we have continuous and differentiable dependency on parameters.
Existence of solution
Since this is a particular case of system of first order inhomogeneous linear PDEs, the existence is concluded from the result existence of solutions for a system of first order linear inhomogeneous PDEs.