
There are several approaches to define tensors.

If we are consider finite dimensional vector spaces, then there is a very natural definition for tensors as multilinear maps.
Let (V,+,) be a vector space. A (r,s)-tensor, T, over V is a multilinear map


Others flip the definition of an (r,s)-tensor, in the sense that r tells you how many V terms appear in the above map and s tells you how many V terms appear there. It is important to make sure you know which convention you are dealing with before moving forward.

Better see tensor product.

In the case of smooth manifolds we have tensor fields...

Invariants of a tensor

An invariant of a tensor is a quantity associated with the tensor that remains unchanged under certain transformations of the coordinate system. Specifically, in the context of tensors, an invariant is a scalar that does not depend on the particular choice of basis or coordinate system used to describe the tensor.

In more detail:

For example, in the case of rank-(1,1) tensors (such as the Cauchy stress tensor or the shape operator) have common invariants like the trace (sum of the diagonal elements), determinant, and the eigenvalues of the tensor.

Another example second fundamental form#Invariants of the second fundamental form.