We can take quotient by the ideal generated by and we obtain the Grassman algebra.
On the other hand, if is endowed by a nondegenerate bilinear form of signature then the Clifford algebra is the quotient of by the ideal , generated by the elements of the form . This ideal is also generated by . If you take (u+v)⊗(u+v) = u⊗u + u⊗v + v⊗u + v⊗v we have: g(u+v,u+v) = g(u,u)+ u⊗v + v⊗u + g(v,v), and since g(u+v,u+v) = g(u,u) + g(u,v) + g(v,u) + g(v,v), this gives us: u⊗v + v⊗u = g(u,v) + g(v,u) = 2 g(u,v).