Translation operator
(personal thinking)
In a Hilbert space like
and we can consider the matrix which is something like the translation operator:
Given a vector
We can consider the matrix
Given a vector
In the continuous case everything is analogous: the vectors are functions
According to Taylor's theorem,
son we have the momentum operator
So Laplace transform is nothing but a change of basis. But what I don't understand yet why we choose only some eigenvectors in Quantum Mechanics, i.e., only
i.e., why we take Fourier transform.
Why Only Certain Eigenvectors?:
- In quantum mechanics, the states of a system are described by wavefunctions. The wavefunctions that are physically meaningful are those that are square-integrable (bound states), meaning their absolute square integrates to 1 over all space. This ensures that the total probability of finding a particle somewhere in space is 1.
- The functions
are not square-integrable for all . However, the functions are orthogonal over all space, and they form a basis for the space of square-integrable functions. This is why the Fourier transform, which uses these functions, is so useful in quantum mechanics.