DeRham cohomology


Let Ωk(M) be the space of smooth k-forms on a smooth manifold M.

  1. A form ωΩk(M) is closed if dω=0, where d is the exterior derivative.
  2. A form ωΩk(M) is exact if ω=dη for some (k1)-form η.

The De Rham cohomology group is defined as:


This means:

The quotient HdRk(M) measures how many closed k-forms are not exact. These equivalence classes are the cohomology classes.

How to find a closed p-form which is not exact?

The trick is to use Stokes’ theorem. Suppose SM is a circle embedded in M. If ωΩ1(M) equals df for some function f, then Stokes’ theorem implies


because S is the empty set! So if we can find a circle SM with


we automatically know that ω is not exact.
This idea can be generalized to p-forms. For examples, we can use spheres to find closed 2-forms which are not exact.

Indeed, the converse is also true: if Sω=0 for every compact oriented submanifold S of M then ω is exact. See @baez1994gauge page 125.