Hamiltonian mechanics
See also classical Hamiltonian system.
The states of a system of Classical Mechanics are determined by generalized variables and their derivatives. In other words, we work in the tangent bundle of the configuration space, or the jet bundle of order 1. That is part of the formulation of Lagrangian Mechanics. The Legendre transform allows us to move everything to the cotangent bundle (phase space). The states of the system are determined by the original variables and generalized momenta. It may seem cumbersome, but it has advantages in geometric interpretation. The systems (dynamical systems) with this origin are called classical Hamiltonian systems. Some of them are called integrable systems. Important example: harmonic oscillator.
The Hamiltonian mechanics formalism can be summarized as follows (modified from "Review of CM and QM by Terence Tao"):
- The physical system has a phase space
of states (often parameterized by position variables and momentum variables ), which mathematically corresponds to a symplectic manifold with a symplectic form (e.g., for position and momentum coordinates). - The complete state of the system at any time
is represented by a point in the phase space . - Every physical observable
(e.g., energy, momentum, position) is associated with a function that maps the phase space to the range of the observable (e.g., for real observables, maps to ). Measuring the observable at time yields the measurement . - The Hamiltonian
is a special observable that governs the evolution of the state over time through Hamiltonian equations of motion. In terms of position and momentum coordinates , these equations are given by:
More abstractly, using the symplectic form
Hamilton's equations of motion can also be expressed in a dual form using observables
Variational principle for Hamiltonian mechanics
(From C. Rovelli "Forget time")
A curve
in the class of the curves
All known physical (relativistic and nonrelativistic) Hamiltonian systems can be formulated in this manner.
See relativistic Hamiltonian mechanics.
This is equivalent to the variational principle of Lagrangian Mechanics. The Hamiltonian is given by:
so the constraint
and substituting
Thus, the action in the Hamiltonian formalism reduces to the action in the Lagrangian formalism:
Mixed states (statistical mechanics (?))
In the formalism above, we assume the system is in a pure state at each time
The equation of motion for a mixed state
using the same vector field
Pure states can be seen as a special case of mixed states, where the probability distribution
Consider a system of 2 particles with a joint phase space
then the equations of motion for the first and second particles are completely decoupled, with no interactions between them. However, in practice, the joint Hamiltonian contains coupling terms between
Similarly, a mixed joint state is a joint probability distribution
for the first particle or
for the second particle. For
and the distribution of the first two particles is:
and so on.
Old stuff
Symplectic form
See symplectic form.
Hamiltonian vector fields
See Hamiltonian vector fields.
This symplectic form has a main use: to convert the differential of the hamiltonian,
It's important to observe that:
. It is proven by Cartan's formula. . This - form is a volume form. So the flow over the Hamiltonian vector field conserve the volume. This fact is known as Liouville theorem.
More things about:
is a space that represents the states of the system. The function determines the dynamic of the system. produces a vector field, , the symplectic gradient, that yields the dynamic itself. Its flow, , is again the dynamic. is tangent to hypersurfaces :
(maybe with a minus sign?)
- The one-parameter group
is the evolution of the system. This privileged parameter will be called time. - Imagine other function
. Possibly you want to know how it changes with time. Fix a initial point :
But observe that if we take
So the interesting quantity
This motivate a new definition. Remove, temporarily, the special paper to
It is satisfied:
- Observe that if we leave a slot
we have an operator that acts over functions. In fact, is the vector field ! So the Poisson bracket let us to find the symplectic gradient directly, without the use of and . More explicitly
- From
it can be deduced the Jacobi identity:
for any three functions
Leaving an slot instead of
expression that can be rewritten as
- Taking the Poisson bracket of any function with a moment
gives us how the function varies along the associated coordinate :
can be interpreted as the area of the paralelogram made of and
- Any function
is called an observable. They constitute a commutative algebra that is, in fact, a Poisson algebra due to the existence of the Poisson bracket . If you fix any then you get a one-parameter local group of transformations for in the following way.
First, you have the vector fieldgiven by
Then, the flow theorem for vector fields let you assure that there exists the local flow
such that
This can be seen also as a flow of observables in CM.