Lagrangian field theory


Consider Lagrangian Mechanics. In the same way that we have Lagrangians and Euler-Lagrange equations for particles or collections of particles, we have Lagrangians for these infinite sets (continuum) of particles: the fields.

According to Wikipedia:
Lagrangian field theory is a formalism in Classical Field Theory. It is the field-theoretic analogue of Lagrangian Mechanics. Lagrangian mechanics is used to analyze the motion of a system of discrete particles each with a finite number of degrees of freedom. Lagrangian field theory applies to continua and fields, which have an infinite number of degrees of freedom.

One motivation for the development of the Lagrangian formalism on fields, and more generally, for Classical Field Theory, is to provide a clean mathematical foundation for Quantum Field Theory, which is infamously beset by formal difficulties that make it unacceptable as a mathematical theory.

A kind of dual approach is that of Hamiltonian field theory.

Mathematical description

From the mathematical point of view, classical fields may be described by sections ϕ of a bundle EM (where M represents spacetime). Physics is incorporated by introducing an horizontal n-form (where n=dim(M)) on the first order jet bundle J1(E), the Lagrangian density


See the annotation variational bicomplex.
The important sections ϕ are those which extremize the functional


being R a compact region of M, where j1ϕ is the prolongation to the first jet bundle.

The condition of ϕ extremizing this functional is equivalent to satisfying Euler-Lagrange equations, but in this case is a system of PDEs, not ODEs.
But I think there is a more geometrical object called Poincare-Cartan form.

Noether's theorem

See Noether's theorem#In Lagrangian field theory to understand what it is said in No-nonsense qft, pag155. Apply it in two cases:

Spacetime symmetries

... under construction...
We are dealing with a spacetime symmetry if the Lagrangian density, denoted as L(ϕ(xμ),μϕ(xμ),xμ), remains unchanged under a transformation from xμ to xμ. Mathematically, this implies:


We have that:


and then, the transformed Lagrangian becomes, up to first order:


and then


Suppose we have, for example, translational symmetry xμxμ=xμ+aμ. Then

0=Lϕδϕ+L(μϕ)δ(μϕ)+Lxμδxμ. be continued...

Internal symmetries be continued...