Maple cheat sheet
- To substitute a function in an "output with unknowns functions"
allvalues(pdsolve(4*H(u, u1)*(diff(H(u, u1), u1))+4*(diff(H(u, u1), u))*u1-u1)); simplify(allvalues(eval(%, _F1 = ((x)->x) ) ) )
another example
Sol := pdsolve(LieDerivative(L2, F(x, u[], u[1], u[1, 1])));
inv11 := eval(rhs(Sol), _F1 = ((x, y)-> x))
- To extract components of vector fields, metrics, tensors, 1-forms
DGinfo(G, "CoefficientSet")
- To simplify with external assumptions
simplify(a*y+x, {-a*y+x = 0})
- Extract coefficients of a polynomial
coeffs(4*x*y^5+x^2+x*y+y, [x, y], 't')
- Generate the basis of 2-forms
base2formas := GenerateForms([baseformas], [2])
- To see the frames currently defined
- To avoid, if possible, the RootOf: