Complex eigenvalues of real matrices mean rotations

The real vector space R2 can be seen as C in several ways: it depends on what we set as the i (fixed a complex structure J, i is identified with J((1,0)t) and reciprocally, J is determined by the choice of the analogous of i). When you have an R-linear operator A in R2 with complex eigenvalues (that must be conjugate of each other) you can look for the appropriate way of see R2 as C in such a manner that A becomes like multiplying by a complex number. Which one? The eigenvalue!! (one of them to your choice). Formally:

Let A be a R-linear operator in R2. If A has two conjugate complex eigenvalues λ and λ, then we can find a complex structure in R2 in such a way that A is like multiplication by λ in C=R2.

The complex structure must be a J such that A=aI+bJ, where a+ib is an eigenvalue of A with by hypothesis b0. To see that J2=I we use the complexification of R2:


The key is that the map












is such that




Assume the eigenvalues have module one. In the picture above we see in red the real vector space R2, with the usual base e1,e2 in red. If we take the complexified (R2)C we extend e1 and e2 not as a line, but each one as a plane C (the solid orange plane and the blue one). The whole system is a four dimensional real space (two dimensional complex space), the complex plane C2. The map A has eigenvectors v1 and v2 (the black ones in the picture). When we apply A this eigenvectors rotate inside their complex line Cv1 y Cv2 (the yellow and the blue transparent planes in the picture). This rotations (one of angle θ and other of θ since they are conjugates eigenvalues) compensate'' each other in such a way that they produce a rotation in the original real plane R2 (the transparent red one).
This rotation of the original plane induces a complex structure in R2 which is, in some sense, transversal: the red transparent plane is not a complex line, so it has no natural complex structure...