Levi-Civita connection on a Riemannian surface

We are going to compute the connection form for a Riemannian surface with an orthonormal frame . And also the curvature.

Given a coframe which is orthonormal with respect to the metric g, we can compute the connection 1-form of the Levi-Civita connection directly from the structure coefficients of the coframe.
Suppose you have an orthonormal basis X1,X2 of tangent vectors (frame), and its dual coframe ω1,ω2, i.e., ωi(Xj)=δji. The structure coefficients of the frame/coframe are defined by the commutation relations of the base vectors: [Xi,Xj]=TijkXk. Also we have that
dω1=T121ω1ω2 and dω2=T122ω1ω2.
On the other hand, the connection 1-forms of the Levi-Civita connection, denoted by Θjk, are defined by the relation: XiXj=Θjk(Xi)Xk=ΘjikXk, where is the covariant derivative associated with the Levi-Civita connection.
The Levi-Civita connection is compatible with the metric, which means that the covariant derivative of the metric is zero. In terms of the connection 1-forms, this translates into the condition: Θjik+Θkij=0 (see here).

Now, since the connection is torsion-free


(see also here).

We can write the 8 equations:

  1. Θ11(X1)Θ11(X1)=T1110=0
  2. Θ12(X1)Θ12(X1)=T1120=0
  3. Θ21(X1)Θ11(X2)=T121
  4. Θ22(X1)Θ12(X2)=T122
  5. Θ11(X2)Θ21(X1)=T211
  6. Θ12(X2)Θ22(X1)=T212
  7. Θ21(X2)Θ21(X2)=T2210=0
  8. Θ22(X2)Θ22(X2)=T2220=0
    and we conclude:
    Θ21(X1)=T121 from 3,
    Θ12(X2)=T122 from 4,
    and from this two last equations:
    Therefore, the connection matrix is

This construction is related to Cartan's first structural equation.

Since X1,X2 is an orthonormal frame then the connection is a o(2,R)-valued 1-form Θ. This is formalized by considering the associated connection in the principal bundle called orthonormal frame bundle. Or something like that...

Also this could be done with the approach of Christoffel symbols...


Since it is a particular vector bundle connection and therefore a particular connection on a fiber bundle, it has a curvature of a connection which is a 2-form of a particular kind. On the other hand, the Riemannian metric gives rise to the Riemann curvature tensor. Both ideas are related.

The curvature form, which is an o(2,R)-valued 2-form, is given by the exterior derivative Ω=dΘ+ΘΘ=dΘ. To compute dΘ observe that




This can be renamed to


where K is the Gauss curvature (see here).