Formulation of QM
The Stern-Gerlach experiment and others were impossible to interpret in the classical context: variables that have continuous values that can be measured. So they implied a change of paradigm.
Imagine we want to study a portion of the whole universe from this new point of view. The state of the system is no longer described by a point of the configuration space
See bra-ket notation for more on this.
Postulates of QM
Postulate 1 (quantum superposition). The states of a quantum mechanics system correspond to unitary elements of a Hilbert space
What is the inner product for? It is related to the probability, we will see later.
When we observe a system, we modify it. It has been checked that observations always result in a discrete set of real values; and after observation, the system state change to one of a discrete set of states. This privileged values and states depend on the observation experiment that we are performing. I guess that somebody realized that all this data could be encoded as a linear operator in
Postulate 2. The observable quantities in quantum mechanics are represented by linear operators.
By physical intuition, the eigenvalues must all be real numbers, of course (Hermitian operator). Also, different results must be associated with different eigenvectors and vice versa: two resultant states (eigenvectors) of an experiment should have different eigenvalues associated.
Moreover, if we want the inner product to distinguish probabilities, it will be convenient that the special states outcoming an experiment be orthogonal (because in one state the probability of obtaining the other is 0) and orthonormal (because in one state the probability of obtaining the same is 1). This will be clearer later. But for the moment:
Postulate 3. Different states obtained as a result of an experiment constitute an orthonormal basis.
As a consequence, experiments-observables are associated with linear operators that are necessarily hermitian. Reciprocally, any Hermitian operator will be considered an observable, even if we do not have a real experiment for it. Spectral theorem tells us that any hermitian operator has real eigenvalues and the eigenvectors form an orthonormal basis. So, we could have rewritten Postulate 2 and 3 as: observables are the same as hermitian operators.
Returning to the inner product and probabilities, it will be convenient the following:
Postulate 4. In the space
is the probability of obtaining
More on the same. If one prepares the system in a state represented by a unit vector
In general, the inner product of two states tells us a measure, although with complex numbers, of the difficulty of distinguishing these two states by means of experiments. For example,
Postulate 1 tells us that the states are elements of a vector space
You can observe that
And the transformations that maintain as distinguishable the distinguishable states are exactly those preserving the orthogonality, or equivalently, the inner product. I.e., the unitary operators. See this video.
Postulate 5. The evolution of a given state
Remember that unitary matrices are the matrices of linear transformation that conserve the inner product. So, in quantum mechanics, the natural flow of times conserves the "overlapiness" of states. This postulate gives rise to the derivation of Schrodinger equation.
Additional postulate 6 (?). Composite Systems Postulate: For a composite system consisting of two or more subsystems, the state space of the composite system is the tensor product of the state spaces of the subsystems. See tensor product#Quantum mechanics.
Additional postulate 7 (?). For system of identical particles, it is needed a new postulate: the symmetrization postulate:
For a system of identical particles, the only kets of its state space that can describe physical states are:
Totally symmetric kets with respect to permutations of identical particles; the particles that obey this are called bosons
Totally antisymmetric kets with respect to permutations of identical particles; the particles that obey this are called fermions.
In other words, the tensor product
An implementation
Imagine that in our system we have an experiment-observable
If we prepare the system in any of the states
which is very natural.
Now, suppose we perform a second experiment
- We obtain the
's with fixed proportions-probabilities 's. We identify
in such a way that
- We obtain the
's with varying proportions, not depending on , actually. In a sense, this means that is independent of 's. Then we enlarge our basis and inner product with , such that is an orthonormal basis. (I am not sure yet about all of this). The original inner operator has to be enlarged, too. It acts over as the identity. I suppose that experimentation shows that any other eigenvector of has the same behavior. In the end, this will result in the tensor product...
Another example
If the system is a (1+1)-dimensional particle then we have the observable position
If the particle is in a state
is called the wavefunction of the particle, and is a function
Because of Postulate 4,
Any observable
that we will denote by
Time evolution
From Postulate 5 it can be concluded that the infinitesimal generator of time evolution must be an anti-Hermitian operator. The product of this operator by
That is
From here is concluded the Schrodinger equation.
A nice video to understand time evolution, uncertainty and classical limit in the case of a one-dimensional particles is here.
Time derivative of observables
Given an observable
and by Schrodinger equation
This can be rewritten using the definition of the commutator
Son therefore,
Are assumed to be unitary transformation (to "maintain the states separated")
From here, since
If we consider the infinitesimal generator of
This lead to Noether's theorem in QM, since the commutator of a quantity with the Hamiltonian means a time derivative of the quantity (see above).