Integration on Rn
Schuller GR.
We are assuming that the following exists. We shall assume that the results exist for this whole entry.
The simplest case is that of a function
where the right-hand side integral is some known integration operation (e.g., Riemann integrals, Lebesgue integrals).
Next we can consider
We can then extend this to general domains (i.e., not necessarily box-shaped)
We then define the integral
It represents the generalized volume of a container with base
% Define the coordinates of the base (subset U)
\coordinate (A) at (-2,1,0);
\coordinate (B) at (-1,2,0);
\coordinate (C) at (1,2,0);
\coordinate (D) at (2,1,0);
\coordinate (E) at (1,-1,0);
\coordinate (F) at (-1,-1.5,0);
% Draw the base (irregular subset U)
\draw[fill=blue!20, opacity=0.7]
plot [smooth cycle]
coordinates {(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)} node[below right]{$U$};
% Define the heights of the surface points
\coordinate (A') at (-2,1,2.8);
\coordinate (B') at (-1,2,2.5);
\coordinate (C') at (1,2,3.2);
\coordinate (D') at (2,1,2.8);
\coordinate (E') at (1,-1,2.5);
\coordinate (F') at (-1,-1.5,2.7);
% Draw the surface defined by F(x, y)
\draw[fill=red!20, opacity=0.7]
plot [smooth cycle]
coordinates {(A') (B') (C') (D') (E') (F')};
% Draw dashed lines connecting base to surface (prism walls)
\foreach \base/\top in {A/A', B/B', C/C', D/D', E/E', F/F'} {
\draw[dashed] (\base) -- (\top);
% Axis
\draw[thick,->] (-3,0,0) -- (3,0,0) node[anchor=north east]{$x$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,-3,0) -- (0,3,0) node[anchor=north west]{$y$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,4) node[anchor=south]{$z$};
We now need to ask how this definition changes under a change of variable (which will correspond to a change of chart in the lifted notion).
Theorem: Let
Integration of forms
The change of variables theorem implies that we can interpret integration as if we are actually integrating
From here, we can go to integration on manifolds.