Where is the geometry in a Klein geometry?

Suppose we have a Klein geometry M=G/H, so we have a H-principal bundle π:GM. Suppose it is a reductive Klein geometry, so we have an Ad(H)-invariant decomposition of the Lie algebra g. Then, the Maurer-Cartan form A of G can be accordingly decomposed


where m is a complementary subspace to h in g that is invariant under the adjoint action of H, i.e., Ad(h)mm for all hH.

Consider the Maurer-Cartan form AΩ1(G,g), an G-equivariant map that associates to each gG and vTgG an element Ag(v)g. In this context, one can decompose A in accordance with the Lie algebra decomposition:


where AhΩ1(G,h) and AmΩ1(G,m) are the respective components of the Maurer-Cartan form with respect to the decomposition.

If we fix a particular m and a particular linear isomorphism i:Rnm we have that given pG with π(p)=x the following map is a linear isomorphism


since (Am)p is a linear isomorphism.

On the other hand, for M we have the frame bundle πFM:FMM, which is a principal bundle with the group GL(n). Recall that FxM={b:RnTxM,b linear isomorphism}.

We can define a map h:HGL(n) such that the map:


is a bundle morphism over M that respects the group actions, i.e.:

  1. πFMΦ=π.
  2. Φ(pg)=Φ(p)h(g), whenever pG and g is in H.

Specifically, set


where Ad(g):mm is the adjoint action of g. Then, for vRn


Observe that ((Rg1)Am)pg=(Am)p(Rg1) by definition of pullback, and by the properties of the Maurer Cartan form ((Rg1)Am)pg=Ad(g)(Am)pg, so we have


On the other hand, since G is an H-principal bundle, dπpg=dπp(Rg1) (see this). So finally we obtain


What we have, then, is nothing but a group reduction of FM, or equivalently, an H-structure on M. Since they are in 1-to-1 relation with sections of FM/H, what we have introduced in M is a choice of a preferred basis in every point x in M. And the set of preferred basis is, in a sense, a geometry in M
