Suppose we have a Klein geometry, so we have a -principal bundle . Suppose it is a reductive Klein geometry, so we have an -invariant decomposition of the Lie algebra . Then, the Maurer-Cartan form of can be accordingly decomposed
where is a complementary subspace to in that is invariant under the adjoint action of , i.e., for all .
Consider the Maurer-Cartan form , an -equivariant map that associates to each and an element . In this context, one can decompose in accordance with the Lie algebra decomposition:
where and are the respective components of the Maurer-Cartan form with respect to the decomposition.
If we fix a particular and a particular linear isomorphism we have that given with the following map is a linear isomorphism
since is a linear isomorphism.
On the other hand, for we have the frame bundle , which is a principal bundle with the group . Recall that .
We can define a map such that the map:
is a bundle morphism over that respects the group actions, i.e.:
, whenever and is in .
Specifically, set
where is the adjoint action of . Then, for
Observe that by definition of pullback, and by the properties of the Maurer Cartan form , so we have
On the other hand, since is an -principal bundle, (see this). So finally we obtain
What we have, then, is nothing but a group reduction of , or equivalently, an H-structure on . Since they are in 1-to-1 relation with sections of , what we have introduced in is a choice of a preferred basis in every point in . And the set of preferred basis is, in a sense, a geometry in