Fundamental theorem on vector fields. Flow of a vector field

There is a better approach in @lee2013smooth page 314.
(I have to fix the notation)
What follows is from @warner prop 1.48:

Let X be a vector field on a manifold M. For each pM, there exist a(p),b(p)R{±} and a differentiable curve


such that:

  1. 0(a(p),b(p)) and γp(0)=p
  2. γp is an integral curve of X (i.e. d(γp)s(ddt)=X(γp(s)))
  3. Uniqueness: If μ:(c,d)M is another curve satisfying the above conditions, then (c,d)(a(p),b(p)) and γp|(c,d)=μ.
  4. For each tR, we define a transformation Xt with domain Dt={qM:t(a(q),b(q))} by the expression Xt(q)=γq(t), so that for each pM, there exists an open neighborhood V and an ϵ>0 such that the map

is defined on (ϵ,ϵ)×V. This transformation is called the flow of X and is usually denoted by ϕX(t,q).
5. Dt is open for each t.
6. t>0Dt=M.
7. Xt:DtDt is a diffeomorphism with inverse Xt.
8. Let s,tR. The domain of XsXt is contained in Dt+s (but in general, it is not equal to Dt+s). It is equal to Dt+s if s and t have the same sign. Moreover, in the domain of XsXt, we have XsXt=Xt+s. Therefore, we have a local group of transformations.

Important facts

Flow of the sum

See flow of the sum of two vector fields

Flow of the Lie bracket

See Lie bracket#Useful formula.

Re-scaling of the flow

Let X be a vector field, and k a constant. Let's denote ϕX and ϕkXthe flow of X and kX respectively. It is satisfied that:


We only have to check that ϕ^(t,q)=ϕX(kt,q) satisfies 1. and 2. for the vector field kX, and then we will have the result. In fact:

  1. ϕ^(0,q)=ϕX(0,q)=q.
  2. ϕ^(t,q) are integral curves of kX:

Jacobian of the flow of a vector field

Let X be a vector field and ϕt(p) its flow. For every t the map ϕt() is a diffeomorphism, so we can consider its Jacobian


It is satisfied that


where div is the divergence.



(See this answer in Mathstackexchange)
It is satisfied that


and then, taking derivatives with respect to the coordinates x1,,xn we obtain the matrix equation


We can consider the linear system given by


and then d(ϕt)x is a matrix whose columns are solutions to it. We now apply Liouville's formula to this linear system, obtaining


and deriving with respect to t:


See xournal_155 page 5 for relation with Jacobi last multipliers.