Formulas for Lie derivative, exterior derivative, brackets, interior and wedge products

For the definitions see:
Lie derivative of forms,
Lie derivative for tensors in general,
interior product,
Lie bracket,
exterior derivative,...

In what follows: X,Y vector fields, ω,θ differential forms, not necessarily of the same degree.

  1. dLXω=LX(dω)
  2. LfXω=fLXω+dfiXω (only 1-forms?)
  3. LX(ωθ)=LX(ω)θ+ωLX(θ) (including functions)
  4. i[X,Y]=[LX,iY] (warning: informal notation). It is the same as equation (1.62) in @olver86: v(wω)=[v,w]ω+wv(ω). It is related to the following cases:
    1. For a 1-form: LX(iYω)=iYLX(ω)+i[X,Y]ω , and with other notation
    2. LX(ω;Y)=LXω;Y+ω;LXY or, in general for a k-form,
    3. LX(ω;Y1,,Yk)=LXω;Y1,,Yk+ω;LXY1,,Yk+. See @olver86 page 74 exercise 1.35.
  5. infinitesimal Stokes' theorem
  6. Cartan formula
  7. LXLYLYLX=L[X,Y], valid for k-forms. For vector fields is nothing but Jacobi identity.