Completion or extension of a frame

See @lee2013smooth proposition 8.11 (exercise)
Let M be a smooth n-manifold with or without boundary and let (X1,,Xk) be a linearly independent k-tuple of smooth vector fields on an open subset U of M, with 1k<n. Then for each pU there exist smooth vector fields Xk+1,,Xn in a neighborhood V of p such that (X1,,Xn) is a smooth local frame for M on UV.

In other words, we can complete to a frame.
I add that if the manifold M is contractible space then the completion can be performed in the whole M. Since in this case the tangent bundle is trivial,


we can apply a linear transformation pointwisely


such that hg sends Xi to (0,0,1,0,,0). The desired vector fields are given by the preimage (pre-pushforward, better said) of the rest of the canonical vector fields.